Wednesday, December 9, 2009

forgot to cite this quote

i forgot to cite the quote, it is (act 5, sc. 1, line 224-232)! thanks Mr. Schmidt.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Tempest as a comedy

The Tempest as a Comedy
“Sir, she is mortal, but by immortal providence she’s mine. I chose her when I could not ask my father for his advice, nor thought I had one. She is daughter to this famous Duke of Milan, Of whom so often I have heard renown, but never saw before, of whom I have received a second life; and second father this lady makes him to me.”
The play “the Tempest” is a comic play, this is for many different elements of the play that are comedic. The tempest has many unrealistic actions that occur to make it comical rather than serious, such as the order of events, and the way that different people forgive others for such big misdemeanors.
This quote is one which focuses specifically upon the comicality and magic, and consequently a perfect ending which comes along with a comedy. Even though many would call the Tempest a tragedy because of the setting and some plot, it is most definitely not, as proved by this quote which is Ferdinand talking about marrying the woman he loves, who is the daughter of the former Duke of Milan. The tricky and funny part of that specific incident is that the reason he likes her, is because of the magic which Prospero put upon him.
Another element of comedy in “The Tempest”, which comes shortly after this quote; is the way that everyone is forgiven at the end or at some other time throughout the play. Prospero has many sins or evil plots transpiring against him including Trinculo and Stephano, who have plotted to kill him. We also see that when Alanso and Antonio come and see that Ferdinand is alive and ok, they are not angry at all, they are filled with joy and relief, which proves their forgiveness.
The ending order of events play a big role in making “the Tempest” a comedic play. Ferdinand and Miranda end up getting married which is the happy ending (as shadowed by the quote), along with everyone being invited to stay with Prospero after all the chaos ends all the fighting and chaotic events, which is also a happy ending. Prospero also ends up going back to Milan to reclaim his original place as the duke, which is the ideal ending along with everything else that has happened miraculously after all the chaotic events. Overall the ending events in a comedy play a big part of the play being a comedy.
The third comedic element of “the Tempest” is the magic. The way the whole plot began was via magic, because the only way Prospero was able to get the ship to wreck at the island he was at, was through magic. Also Prospero uses Ariel many times to play music to either charm, put to sleep, or lure his enemies into a trap, or something of the sort. Prospero also uses some sort of trick or magic to make Miranda fall asleep while he haggles with Ariel. The most important use of magic is the way Ferdinand falls in love with Miranda, which in the end changes the entire plot and end of the story.
In conclusion “the Tempest” is a comedy rather than a tragedy, because of the certain elements that are portrayed in the storyline of the play; which are the forgiveness, the magic and the happy ending, the quote by Ferdinand is an excellent example of the happy ending and love shown in “The Tempest“.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

mr. schmidts website